Click here to download the Buyer's Guide.
This Guide, which is developed by the “Reva Industries Ltd.” is a renowned world leading Crane
manufacturing company, serving a broad range of customers, including manufacturing and process
industries, automobile plants, engineering industries, process plants, infrastructure projects
(construction, power, metro rail, shipyards, steel, etc.) and in thousands of SMEs. Regardless of
your lifting needs, REVA is committed to providing you with lifting equipment and services that
increase the value and effectiveness of your business. We have always been dedicated to improving
efficiency and performance of businesses in all types of industries. And we have done this by
continuously providing lifting equipment and services people can trust & made REVA a known name
on the world Map.
“Reva Industries Ltd.”, provides guidance about the proper selection of crane and hoist systems
and covers various issues about such a system’s terminology, usage, classification, performance,
environmental requirements, special requirements and more. It was developed with the sole intent of
offering information to parties engaged in selecting and purchasing such a crane or hoist system.
This Guide is advisory only and should only be regarded as a simple tool that a potential user or
buyer may or may not choose to follow, adopt, modify, or reject.
For more information or for the technical queries/doubts can be contacted at
[email protected].
While preparing this Guide assistance has been derived from various Indian
standards(IS:3177, IS:807, IS:13834(Part-1 & 5 etc.) to bring this guide in line with the buyer's
Considered Indian Standard as below :
• IS:3177-1999 is the Indian standard for Code of practice for Electric Overhead Travelling
Cranes and Gantry Cranes other than steel work
• IS: 807-2006 is the Indian Standard for the Design, Erection & Testing (Structural Portion) of
Cranes and Hoists – Code of practice.
• IS:13834-1994(part-1) is the Indian Standard for Cranes — Classification (General)
• IS:13834-1994(part-5) is the Indian Standard for Cranes — Classification (Overhead
Travelling & Portal Bridge Cranes)
Annexure-A of IS: 3177 gives details of the information to be provided by the buyer for procuring EOT Cranes,
some of the mostly used are being mentioned here
1. Capacity Main Hoist ......................... tonnes
3. Type of crane : Double Girder/ Single Girder/ Single Girder underhung /Gantry Crane/ Hand Operated
(Depending on the application and site conditions)
4. Class of Duty : M3 / M5 / M7 / M8
5. Span (center to center of rails) ............................. mm (approximately width of the building)
6. Location : Indoor/Outdoor/Both
7. Purpose of Crane (Nature of load) ..............................................................................
(In the Case of magnet & grabbing cranes, the specification and physical condition of the material to be handled
shall be given)
8. Speeds
Full Speed (M/Min) Creep Speed (M/Min)
Main hoist
Auxiliary hoist
(If in case creep speed then do you wish to control with VVVF Drive)
9. Lift
Above floor level.................................... M
Below floor level..................................... M
10. Type of control (multiple can be selected)
Fixed pendant/ Trailing Pendant/ Cabin Operated - open type / Cabin Operated - Closed type / Radio
11. Platform (in case of double girder crane) : Single side/ both side
12. Lighting (in case of double girder crane) : Under-bridge / on platform
13. Site clearances
Distance of rail bottom to overhead obstruction
Distance of rail bottom to floor level
Distance from rail Centre to face of column/wall(Nearest side obstruction)
Not apparent Physical obstructions if any :
14. Hook Approaches (Position of hook from Centre line of rails )
Main Hoist : Dsl side … Opposite side …
Aux Hoist : Dsl side … Opposite side …
15. Any environmental conditions :
Ambient temperature / extreme humidity / Altitude of the place /near coastal areas or other / hot metal handling
/ seismic zone / hazardous zone
16. Special Service Conditions
Wind Load / Crane on Same Gantry present
if you do find any problem in getting the above information please do contact us for support / site visit
1. Is crane designed as per Code of practice for Electric Overhead Travelling Cranes and Gantry
Cranes other than steel work (IS:3177-1999 latest) ?
2. Are the Design stresses in accordance with IS:807 ?
3. Welding – Design, Fabrication, Testing and Welder Qualifications in accordance with ASME
Section IX?
4. Are static/dynamic/Horizontal factors as per clause no.6, IS:807
5. Are Loading Condition and Load Combinations as per clause no.-7.3.2, IS:3177
6. Are calculated stresses within the limitations / guidelines of Section 3.4 ?
7. Have the allowable stress ranges based on as per clause-9, IS:807 ?
8. Girder design – Proportional requirements, Factors of Safety on Buckling
consistent with IS:807?
(See Clause-25.1 & 25.2, IS:807 )
9. Is the girder deflection as per the requirements of IS:807, which requires
Max. vertical deflection of the girder produced by the dead load, the weight of the trolley and the
rated load shall not exceed 1/750 of the span of the Crane(If the span of the cranes is more than 12m), and
1/600 of the span (if the span of the crane is less than 12m) ? (See Clause-20, IS:807)
10. Ratio of Crane Span to End Carriage Wheel Base as per the requirements of IS:807 ?
(See Clause-24.1, IS:807)
11 Bolting – Are structural bolted joints designed in accordance with IS:807 requirements? (see A-1,
Annex-A, IS:807)
12. Load suspension parts of the hoist are designed to a min. 5:1 on ultimate strength?
(see clause 7.4.2, IS:3177)
13. Is the Wire rope safety factor min. 4.62/5.25/5.6/5.95 for M3/M5/M7/M8 respectively ?
(See Clause-8.3.2, IS:3177)
NOTE: Rope used for holding or lifting molten metal shall not exceed 12.5% of
published breaking strength. (Min. safety factor = eight (8))
14. Type of wire rope & size
15. Does hoist or hoisting machinery meet or exceed Guide for Minimum Tread
Diameter(At bottom of groove) of Running Sheaves? (see clause-8.5, IS:3177)
16. Are bearings provided consistent with the requirement of the IS:3177-1999?
(see clause-8.7, IS:3177)
17. Are the Brakes selected for hoisting 125% of the required torque with 2 brakes (for double girder) and
150% of the required torque with 1 brake (for single girder cranes)
(see clause-8.12, IS:3177)
18. Are the Traverse Brakes selected for 100% of the required torque
(see clause-8.12, IS:3177)
19. Allowable wheel loads in compliance with requirement of the IS:3177-1999?
(see clause-8.6.8, IS:3177)
20. Are the festoon cables provided are of EPR as per IS:9968?
21. Are motors used are s4 crane duty?
22 Are the Gears and Pinions provided are Helical and Hardened from Low Carbon Alloy Steel?
23. Are the controls sized for the class of service?
24. Are short circuit devices and overload devices in compliance with requirement of the IS:3177-
1999?(see clause-15.2, IS:3177)
25. Are The crane structure, motor frames, and metal cases of all electrical equipment including
metal conduit or cable guards shall be effectively connected to earth complying with Indian
Electricity Rules
(see IS:3043)
26. Are Rail Sweeps provided?
If the answer to any of the previous questions is NO, please take explanation from the Crane supplier