Increase productivity by Doubling the speed of EOT Cranes
December 22, 2023
Increase Productivity by Doubling the speed of EOT Cranes
In any production shop, EOT cranes plays an important role in lifting and transfer of material/job/work piece. Many times the production machines is idle because of the less speed of the EOT Crane.
Increasing the speed of the crane would till now mean increase of motor power, gearbox size, brakes and electricals. Hence impact on the overall cost of the equipment.
What if the speed of the crane can be increased, without increasing the cost of the Crane?
With the advancements in technology, now Special VVVF Drives are available by which one can double the speed while handling lighter loads or when running without load.
It has been observed that a crane runs idle (without load) approx. 60% of the time. The Speed of the Crane can be increased to double during this, hence the productivity increases.
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